Thursday, August 4, 2011

How To Be Funny Around Girls

Friends Group
Friends Group

1) Have a positive attitude and energy

The first thing you should do is to have a positive attitude and give off good energy. I personally know many guys who THINK they are really witty but are avoided by everyone because they are so cynical and negative. You can’t be funny unless you are warm, positive, and energetic. People won’t like you much if you’re always negative, period!

2) Loosen up and relax

Try to loosen up and relax like you are among your best friends. Everyone is a bit funny when they are relaxed and among friends.

3) Don’t be desperate or try to impress

Your jokes will seem a bit “off” if you are too desperate or try too hard to impress a girl. The more you try to impress, the more your body will tense up and the less funny you will be. You’ll probably end up looking like a desperate guy who’s trying too hard.

4) Play along when she teases you

Women will often tease you once they are comfortable enough to Joke around. Unfortunately, many guys will get defensive and ruin  the rapport as a result. Don’t make the same mistake.

For example, if a woman laughs and calls you a nerd, don’t get  defensive and start telling her all the cool things you do.  Instead, laugh WITH her and proudly tell her you are the king of  all nerds. Then start doing your best nerd imitation.

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